There are many resources available to help you get a new business going, expand an existing business, train your employees, or simply decide if your business concept is a good fit in the West Central Mountains. We have tons of data that can help you get going in the right direction, which we are happy to share. We can also help you navigate the waters of many of the incentives and resources listed below. We know you are busy, so we are here to help.
Business Expansion:
- Did you know that you may be eligible for a massive tax break if you start or expand your business? The Tax Reimbursement Incentive (TRI) is a great opportunity for new or growing businesses. Learn more here.
- Need a loan to grow your business but can’t qualify at a bank? Check out Clearwater Economic Development Association. Learn more here.
- If you have a great idea to expand your business but don’t have the research, development or intellectual property resources to see it to market, IGEM might be for you. Learn more here.
- Looking for a new location for your business or curious how to get entitlement approvals from the City/County? Contact us and we’ll point you in the right direction.
- Site selectors looking for real estate and demographic data have Gem State Prospector at their disposal. Not all parcels in the West Central Mountains are listed yet, so please feel free to contact us for more detailed listings.
- Hiring new employees? There are resources to help grow your talent pool at little to no cost. Check out our Education Resources page.
- Looking to do business with the Government? PTAC can help you find opportunities and navigate the government contracting waters.
- We offer business resource trainings from time to time through our regional partnerships. If you have a specific business need, we probably have a resource to help.
Business Resource Links From Our Friends at the Idaho Economic Development Association (IEDA):
- Idaho Incentives Brochure
- Tax Reimbursement Incentive
- Starting a Business in Idaho
- ID Transportation & Freight Logistics
- Outdoor Recreation Industry
- Gun and Ammunition Industry
- Idaho Aerospace
- Idaho Agriculture – Always Growing
Department of Labor Links:
- Idaho County Labor Market Information
- Lewis County Labor Market Information
- Occupational Employment and Wages Survey
- Idaho Department of Labor news releases
- Idaho@Work: A blog for Idaho job seekers and employers
Small Business Association Resources:
Boise District Office SBA Office
Boise District Office Resource Guide
SCORE – Small Business Counselors